Foundation Plan and Details (plan scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"; details: 3/4"=1'-0")
Short-form FHA/VA Specifications form
License to Build
Plans range in number of pages from 5 to 13 pages on 24" x 36" sheets. Any plan less than 1200 heated sq ft is formatted on 18x24 size paper. Printed on a wide-format xerox machine to guarantee quality of the prints and very good legibility. Prints are printed on white bond paper. Reproducible plans are printed on eraseable vellum.
This Plan is a USDA Rural Development Certified Plan
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Cost To Build
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Cost report for your zip code. (the zip code can be changed after you receive the online report)
Estimate 1, 1-1/2 or 2 story home plans. **
Interactive! Instantly see the costs change as you vary quality levels Economy, Standard, Premium and structure such as slab, basement and crawlspace.
QUICK Cost-To-Build estimates have the following assumptions:
QUICK Cost-To-Build estimates are available for single family, stick-built, detached, 1 story, 1.5 story and 2 story home plans with attached or detached garages, pitched roofs on flat to gently sloping sites.
QUICK Cost-To-Build estimates are not available for specialty plans and construction such as garage / apartment, townhouse, multi-family, hillside, flat roof, concrete walls, log cabin, home additions, and other designs inconsistent with the assumptions outlined in Item 1 above.
User is able to select and have costs instantly calculate for slab on grade, crawlspace or full basement options.
User is able to select and have costs instantly calculate different quality levels of construction including Economy, Standard, Premium. View Quality Level Assumptions.
Estimate will dynamically adjust costs based on the home plan's finished square feet, porch, garage and bathrooms.
Estimate will dynamically adjust costs based on unique zip code for project location.
All home plans are based on the following design assumptions: 8 foot basement ceiling height, 9 foot first floor ceiling height, 8 foot second floor ceiling height (if used), gable roof; 2 dormers, average roof pitch is 12:12, 1 to 2 covered porches, porch construction on foundations.
Summarized cost report will provide approximately 70 lines of cost detail within the following home construction categories: Site Work, Foundations, Basement (if used), Exterior Shell, Special Spaces (Kitchen, Bathrooms, etc), Interior Construction, Elevators, Plumbing, Heating / AC, Electrical Systems, Appliances, Contractor Markup.
QUICK Cost-To-Build generates estimates only. It is highly recommend that one employs a local builder in order to get a more accurate construction cost.
All costs are "installed costs" including material, labor and sales tax.
** Available for U.S. only.
Q & A
Ask the Designer any question you may have. NOTE: If you have a plan modification question, please click on the Plan Modifications tab above.
Previous Q & A
As far as modifying this plan, would it be easily possible to build this house as a one story with just a small crawl space. We love this plan but just as a one story— we want room in our budget to have a shop on property. Thanks!
A:See plan 55600 for the slab/crawlspace version. We assume you are talking about eliminating the basement level, so the slab or crawlspace foundation type would give you a one level house.
Q:Hi there, Is the window above the garage an attic? Also, for the flex space, could those walls be easily eliminated so that that was a formal dining room and not a separate space?
A:Hello, The windows above the garage are in the floored attic space above the garage. There is no room up there. We do have a slightly larger version with a bonus room. See plan 59201.
Yes, your builder could very easily eliminate the walls around the flex space by adding large cased openings, or beams with one support column at the corner. That is an easy site change.
Q:Do you have this house on a larger scale? Maybe around 2500 sq foot?
A:See plan 59939 for a 2284 s.f. version, and plan 59206 for a similar, 2447 s.f. version.
Q:How do you vent the clothes dryer? up the wall, through the attic over the storage room, and exit out the side of house? or through the wall, and straight up through the roof?
A:The dryer vent can be vented several ways. It could go down into the subfloor, then over to the front wall of kitchen and out there below floor level. It can be placed under the storage room slab, in a straight line out the left side, which is the best solution, with the shortest vent length, and least amount of back pressure. You could also run in through the wall into the rear of the storage room, just above the floor level and then into the elevated area between the basement stairs and left exterior wall. The vent pipe could be hidden inside trim very easily there, and would only take about 6" of space at the bottom. If you change the storage room floor to have a basement under it too, then the easiest way would be to run the duct into the subfloor, and straight out the left side. Shorter ducts are better. Less turns in the duct are desirable.
Have a good day.
Q:Hello! How wide is the entry way from the great room into the eating/kitchen area? Could the back porch and back wall (great room/eating area) be extended 2 or 3 feet easily? (I.e. Great room 16-8 x 16, eating 12 x 11-4). Thanks!
A:Hello, The opening between the kitchen/eating area and great room is 8' wide. It could be wider if you wish. Yes, its possible to add 3' depth to the eating/great room by shifting the rear porch back.
We can modify the plans as requested for $450 in addition to the purchase of the plan package. Allow 4 to 5 working days for preliminary plans, and another 6 to 10 working days for final plans. Thanks.
Q:Is there a smaller version of this plan?
A:Hello, The only slightly smaller version we have is the slab/crawlspace version of this same plan which has no basement stairs. The entry hall is shortened due to the elimination of the stairs, which reduces the footage to 1619. See plan 55600
Q:Can this be enlarged to 2800 and a fireplace added?would like larger great room,kitchen and master
A:We would like to recommend looking at house plan #s: 59206; 59939; and 59954. These plans are really similar to the plan that you are asking about without having so many modification costs to get closer to 2800 sqft. If you still do not like any of these suggested plans and still would like a quote then please let us know and we will send you one.
Q:For the wall dividing the Great Room and Hall, with the entryway as-is would there be room for centering a wall-mounted TV perpendicular to the Vault or could that entryway shift in the direction of the Covered Porch to allow this sort of installation? With the Master Bath, would the existing Jet Tub location dimensions work for a tiled, walk-in shower and the existing Shower location dimension work as a pedestal tub? Thanks!
A:Hello, We are the designer of this plan you found at
The fee would be $450.00 in addition to the purchase of the 5 set or the PDF plan package.
Designer's Notes: 1) Add 2' to redesign Master Suite. 2) Shift Case Opening down in the living room.
When you are ready to proceed, please call the website to place your order for the plan package. Be sure to tell them that you are having modifications done by the designer. They will process the order, and send a copy to us. We will then proceed with preliminary plans for your review. We would request payment for the modification fees when we complete the work.
Please allow 4 to 8 working days for preliminary plans, and an additional 10 to 15 working days for final plans to be completed.
House Plan Gallery, Inc.
Special Note: Customized materials list are not included in this quote. If you purchase the online material list, it will match the ORIGINAL plans NOT the customized set. We do not offer customized materials list at this time. Local builders and carpenters are the best source for those.
Q:What are the dimensions of the Eating Area windows?
A:Hello, The eating room windows are each 32" wide by 72" tall.
Q:Does this floor plan have the potential to have a bonus room above the garage?
A:Sure. The roofline is already setup for it. The utility room and garage would need to shift forward four feet to create a space for bonus room stairs, or we could shift the master suite and basement stairs back four feet to create the extra space.
The new bonus room stairs would go between the laundry room and basement stairs, in an "L" shape wrapped around behind the laundry room into the storage room, and up to the bonus room above garage.
The bonus room would be 12 x23'-8" with five foot tall sidewalls, sloped ceilings on two sides, and a flat 8 or 9 foot ceiling in the middle. The two windows on the front gable would be in the bonus room then.
We can modify the plans to add the bonus room for an extra $595 in addition to the purchase of the five set or pdf plan package.
When you are ready to proceed, please call the website to place your order for the plan package. Be sure to tell them that you are having modifications done by the designer. They will process the order, and send a copy to us. We will then proceed with preliminary plans for your review. We would request payment when we have completed the final plans.
Allow 8 to 10 working days for preliminary plans, and another 12 to 18 working days for final plans. Timelines change with our workload, and may vary depending on when you decide to proceed.
We look forward to working with you.
PS- Customized materials list are not a part of this quote. If you purchase the online materials list, it will match the ORIGINAL plans. We do not offer customized materials lists at this time. Local builders and carpenters are the best source for those.
Modification Department
Q:is the wall separating flex space and great room necessary and can this plan be used with raised slab construction
A:Hello, See plan 55600 for the raised slab version of this same plan. It has the basement stairs removed.
You can replace the flex space/great room wall with a beam easily. That can be done onsite.
Q:How high is the vaulted ceiling?
A:14'-8" at the peak.
Q:Is there a fireplace anywhere in this house?
A:Hello, There is no fireplace. One could be added in the great room, in the rear right corner, or rear wall, or wherever you want. They take up about 5 to 6 feet width, and about 2 feet deep. Thanks.
Q:Is there a bonus room above garage and if so where is the stairs to access them?
A:Hello, There is no bonus room. There are only windows in the attic.
We do have a slightly larger, 1800 s.f. version with a bonus room up there. See plan 59148
Q:Is the roof load good for northern Michigan?
A:Good morning,
The plan comes engineered for NO snow load, so that wont work for Northern Michigan as is.
If you plan on using roof trusses, the local truss company will design the trusses to meet your local needs for free. If you plan on using regular lumber to "stick frame" the roof, then the size and spacing of the rafters just needs to be changed to match your snow load. Not a big deal either way. Thats easy to change onsite.
If using trusses, the truss company will send a truss plan showing every truss and its location, based off the house plans.
Have a good day.
Common Q & A
Q:Can I make modifications to this plan?
A:Yes you can! Please click the "Modifications" tab above to get more information.
Q:What is the estimated price to build this plan?
A:The national average for a house is running right at $125.00 per SF. You can get more detailed information by clicking the Cost-To-Build tab above. Sorry, but we cannot give cost estimates for garage, multifamily or project plans.
FHP Low Price Guarantee
If you find the exact same plan featured on a competitor's web site at a lower price, advertised OR special SALE price, we will beat the competitor's price by 5% of the total, not just 5% of the difference! Our guarantee extends up to 4 weeks after your purchase, so you know you can buy now with confidence.
If you find the exact same plan featured on a competitor's web site at a lower price, advertised OR special SALE price, we will beat the competitor's price by 5% of the total, not just 5% of the difference! To take advantage of our guarantee, please call us at 800-482-0464 or email us the website and plan number when you are ready to order. Our guarantee extends up to 4 weeks after your purchase, so you know you can buy now with confidence.